Friday, December 24, 2010

Twas christmas eve...already?

Well well well here we are again at the holly season.  It is Christmas eve and I am at the rents already starting to relax away from the city's hustle and bustle.  my pressies are wrapped, tied and bowed--although they look as though they were wrapped by a 5 year old...they ARE wrapped.  Tacky not lovely was the vings theme of the day.  I whistled and dance partied while I worked and somewhere at some moment I got excited about this here season.  It has been awhile since I was genuinely excited for Christmas.  Somewhere along the years it lost its spark for me.  I always try and pin point the exact reason but there is unfortunately a handful but this year they are not getting me down.  They range from Santa to loss to earth shattering pain.  Somehow this year I have bottled them up in a mason jar and put them to the side.  They are there, I can feel them, but the joy and love in my heart are winning.  Perhaps this year is one in a million or perhaps this season will be one I embrace forevermore, either way I am going to embrace and go with it and enjoy every itty bitty second.
Merry Christmas, My friends!  Go!  Now!  Eat, drink, Be merry and Be thankful.
V. xo

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