Tuesday, September 23, 2008

V. is Baaaack!

There is nothing quite as special as the crisp air in your hair, feeling your cheeks go rosy and your warm but chilled legs in the fall air. The air at this time of year is so fresh and clean...That is right my friends V. is back out there hitting the pavement. Last night was my longest run since just about 4 months ago when I ran 42.2 K. Though last night was only a measly 6.5 K, still an accomplishment in my mind-actually a huge one. This summer has been an emotional obstacle course of ups, downs and in betweens. In times of instability I have ALWAYS turned to my runners and ipod for support and focus. This summer that was not an option with two hairline fractures on the right side of my pelvis. Though somehow I made it through, I cannot even begin to explain how thrilled I am to be back out there. Running is my true and undeniable passion. The first time I actually ran on the treadmill a month back I actually cried. Big wet, hot tears rolled down my cheeks. The feeling was like reuniting with an old friend or reliving the happiest moment in your life thus far. They were the tears of happiness and significance. As I stared in the mirror at my tear stained face and huge smile on my face I remembered why I loved to run so damn much. Not only am I good at it but it makes me feel so strong, so fierce, so indepandant and so confident. Emotions and Sentiments that are crucial to anyone and everyone.
I have signed myself up for the CIBC RUN FOR THE CURE on Sunday, October 5th. Though it may not be my fastest 5K to date, it is my first race back and for such a great cause!
V. is baaaack!! Cannot wait for that first 20K...I guarantee I will cry tears of joy at the finish!


1 comment:

stacy said...

i could feel the passion behind your words as you explained your love of running!

isn't it wonderful to enjoy something so fully and completely?