Sunday, August 22, 2010


Today is my birthday. My favorite day of the year. I know how that sounds but it really is for many reasons. One of thems being that you get a fresh start, a new beginning. It also gives you a chance to sit back and reflect on the year that passed and all that you learned through the experiences you have had.
This past year I did and experienced a lot. So many awesome highs but of course a couple of lows too. For without the lows there would be no highs. The last few years I have learned a lot about myself, about love and about friendship. I learned that bumps in the road are challenging but they make us stronger, and better. They allow us growth. I have made mistakes and I have been so hard on myself for such errors. Too hard at times. I have learned this year who in fact my friends are and what makes a good friend a good friend. I have learned to trust myself and to love myself. By all my learnings I have also decided to make some promises to myself for this coming year.
I promise to give myself more credit and to not be so hard on myself when I in fact do something I am not exceptionally proud of. I promise to love myself when the going gets tough and the tough gets going.
I promise to honor my friends and be there for them no matter what, just as they are for me. To protect and love each one of them for who they are.
I promise to rid the social drama from my life and to keep out of others.
I promise to keep my thoughts to myself unless asked.
I promise to continue to give second chances but to an extent.
I promise to follow my heart and but listen to my head.
I promise to take care of my mind, my body and my soul.
I promise to enter everything with a wide open heart.
I promise to laugh loud and hard but to cry if need be too.
I promise to be true and honest to me.
I promise that inconsiderate people do not deserve any piece of me or my heart.
I promise to always cherish my family and make them a priority.
I promise to not sweat the little things.
I promise to stop saying yes all the time and say no because when I try and do everything I always end up letting not only someone else down but I let myself down.
I promise to continue to celebrate the little things and be thankful and gracious.
I promise to keep having fun and remembering that age is a matter of the mind.
I promise to be me. Real and always with an open heart!
I have a funny feeling about the year to come. And by funny, I mean AWESOME. I can hardly wait.
With that, Happy Birthday to moi!
V. xo

1 comment:

Ashwin said...

I hope you'll realize all your promises in the coming year and over. Happy birthday!